Plotting Error
Compare to:
Level at Lidsdale No. 1
Level at Lidsdale No. 1 L&S digit.
Level at Lidsdale No. 2 L&S digit.
Level at Lidsdale No. 3 L&S digit.
Level at Lidsdale No. 3 Digitized by A.Sacal
Level at Lidsdale No. 4 Digitized by A.Sacal
Level at Lidsdale No. 5 L&S digit.
Level at Lidsdale No. 5 L&S F to A35
Level at Lidsdale No. 6 L&S digit.
Level at Lidsdale No. 7 CHART S/L FT
Level at Lidsdale No. 7 L&S digit.
Level at Lidsdale No. 7 Digitized by A.Sacal
Level at Lidsdale No. 9 Digitized by A.Sacal
Level at Lidsdale No. 10 Digitized by A.Sacal
Level at Lidsdale No. 11 Digitized by A.Sacal
Rain at Centennial Park Musgrave Ave Rainfall mm (RDLlogger)
Rain at Centennial Park Musgrave Ave Rainfal mm (HM 2000)
Level at Centennial Park Musgrave Ave Water Level m (HM 2000)
Rate at Centennial Park Musgrave Ave
Level at Centennial Park Musgrave Ave Sample Flag
Level at Centennial Park Musgrave Ave HM2000 Volts
Level at Centennial Park 3 Musgrave Lake Outlet Seeker data
Level at Centennial Park 3 Musgrave Lake Outlet Sampler flag
Level at Strathfield Drain Urban L&S digit.
Rain at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 Rain
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 S/L m
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 Volts
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 Deg.C
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 sal.g
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 Cond.
Level at Strathfield Drain - Combined Rain\044 Level and WQ HM2000 pH
Level at Lower Cawleys L&S digit.
Rain at Lidsdale L-1 (Dines)
Rain at Lidsdale L-1 (Dines) Dig. Chart R
Rain at Lidsdale L-2 (rainfall) RDL Logger R
Rain at Lidsdale L-2 (rainfall) Dig. Chart R
Rain at Lidsdale F-3 Dig. Chart R
Rain at Lidsdale '3' RDL Logger R
Rain at Lidsdale throughfall at '3' RDL Logger T
Rain at Lidsdale '5' RDL Logger R
Rain at Lidsdale throughfall at '5' RDL Logger T
Rain at Lidsdale '1' RDL Logger R
Rain at Lidsdale throughfall at '1' RDL Logger T
Rain at Lidsdale throughfall at '7' RDL Logger T
Rain at lidsdale throughfall at 5 (east) RDL Logger T
Rain at lidsdale throughfall at 6 (west) RDL Logger T
Rain at Lidsdale '7' RDL Logger R
Rain at Avoca Street Urban Sydney RDL Logger R
Rain at Avoca Street Urban Sydney Dig. Chart R
Rain at Storey Street Urban Sydney RDL Logger R
Rain at Storey Street Urban Sydney Dig. Chart R
Rain at Strathfield Drain Urban 2 Dig. Chart R
Rain at St Sabina College Urban Sydney RDL Logger R
Rain at St Sabina College Urban Sydney Dig. Chart R
Rain at Storey Street Urban Sydney RDL Logger R
Rain at Centennial Park I.C. project Dig. Chart R
Rain at Badgery's Creek
Rain at Mt Vernon Eastern Creek RDL Logger R
Rain at Mt Vernon Eastern Creek Dig. Chart R
Rain at Eastern Creek Post Office Eastern Creek
Rain at Eastern Creek Post Office Eastern Creek Dig. Chart R
Rain at Watertower Eastern Creek RDL Logger R
Rain at Watertower Eastern Creek Dig. Chart R
Rain at Badgery's Creek No. 2 Dig. Chart R
Rain at Mt Vernon Eastern Creek (3) RDL Logger R
Rain at Narellan No. 3
Rain at Narellan No. 3 Dig. Chart R
Rain at Pondicherry
Rain at Garrawarra Hacking RDL Logger R
Rain at Garrawarra Hacking Dig. Chart R
Rain at Telosa Hacking RDL Logger R
Rain at Telosa Hacking Dig. Chart R
Rain at Waterfall Hospital Hacking
Rain at Waterfall Hospital Hacking RDL Logger R
Rain at Waterfall Hospital Hacking Dig. Chart R
Rain at Pondicherry No. 3 Dig. Chart R
Rain at Lower Cawleys Hacking RDL Logger R
Rain at Lower Cawleys Hacking Dig. Chart R
Rain at Narellan No. 2 Dig. Chart R
Rain at Kellys Creek Hacking RDL Logger R
Rain at Kellys Creek Hacking Dig. Chart R
Rain at Research creek Hacking RDL Logger R
Rain at Research creek Hacking Dig. Chart R
Rain at Fowlers Gap Mating Rainfall RDL Logger R
Rain at Fowlers Gap Nelia 3 Rainfall RDL Logger R
Rain at Fowlers Gap North Mandelman Rainfall RDL Logger R
Rain at Fowlers Gap Sandstone South Rainfall RDL Logger R
Rain at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 RDL Logger R
Rain at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 Rain
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 S/L m
Rate at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 Disch. Mouse
Rate at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 Average flow velocity
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 Sampler flag
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 Deg.C
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 Cond.
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 % Sat
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 Turb.
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 HM2000 pH
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 1 ORP(mV)
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 S/L m
Rate at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 Disch. Mouse
Rate at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 Average flow velocity
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 Sampler flag
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 Volts
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 Deg.C
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 Cond.
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 % Sat
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 Turb.
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 HM2000 pH
Level at South Strathfield and Hedges Ave Road Runoff Met 2 ORP(mV)
Level at Boora Creek Hacking
Hacking River at Upper Causeway
Level at Hacking River at Upper Causeway
Level at Cawleys Creek at Rail L&S digit.
Level at Gills Creek L&S digit.
Rain at Gills Creek
Level at Audley Weir
Level at Hacking River at Ferndale
Level at Hacking River at Otford
Level at Kellys Creek Hacking
Level at Kellys Creek at Kellys Weir
Level at Lidsdale No. 8 L&S digit
Rain at Lidsdale B
Rain at Lidsdale F
Level at Research Creek Hacking
Level at Hacking Ford
Rain at Upper Cawleys
Rain Research Creek No.3
Rain at Research Creek No.2
Level at Camp Creek
Camera at Homestead Creek
Camera at Rock Bar
Data Logger at Fowlers Gap - Research
Data Logger at Fowlers Gap - Rockbar
Rain Gauge at Bald Hills
Rain Gauge at Beadle
Rain Gauge at BOM site - Fowlers Gap
Rain Gauge at Freislich Dam
Water level at Rock Bar
Cross sectional area at Rock Bar
Mean velocity at Rock Bar
Flow Rate at Rock Bar
Rain Gauge at Gap Creek
Rain Gauge at Gap Hills
Water level at Homestead Creek
Cross sectional area at Homestead Creek
Mean velocity at Homestead Creek
Flow Rate at Homestead Creek
Rain Gauge at Homestead Creek
Rain Gauge at Johnstones Tank
Rain Gauge at Mandleman Bore
Rain Gauge at Mating
Rain Gauge at Met Station
Rain Gauge at Nelia Dam
Rain Gauge at North Mandleman
Rain Gauge at Salt 3 (Saloon Dam)
Rain Gauge at Sandstone Bore
Rain Gauge at Sandstone Tank
Rain Gauge at South Sandstone
Rain Gauge at Strip
Rain Gauge at Warrens Tank
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Mandleman Bore
Water level at Freislich Dam
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Gap Creek
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Nelia Dam
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Warrens Tank
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Bald Hills
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Sandstone Bore
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Johnstones Tank
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Freislich Dam/Tank
School of Geography Rain Gauge at South Sandstone
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Strip
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Homestead Creek
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Beadle
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Mating
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Saloon Dam/Salt 3
School of Geography Rain Gauge North Mandleman
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Gap Hills
School of Geography Rain Gauge at Sandstone Tank
School of Geography Rain Gauge at BOM met Station
Air temperature at Bellevue
Relative humidity at Bellevue
Average Solar irradiance at Bellevue
Total Solar irradiance at Bellevue
Wind speed at Bellevue
Wind direction D1 at Bellevue
Wind Direction SD1 at Bellevue
Net radiation at Bellevue
Corrected net radiation at Bellevue
Heat flux at Bellevue
Soil temp 10 cm depth at Bellevue
Soil temp 20 cm depth at Bellevue
Soil temp 50 cm depth at Bellevue
Barometric pressure at Bellevue
total rain at Bellevue
wind run at Bellevue
Soil volumetric water content at Bellevue
Soil water conductivity at Bellevue
Average soil temperature at Bellevue
Creek Temperature at East Lynne
Creek EC at East Lynne
Creek pH at East Lynne
Creek ORP at East Lynne
Creek Turbidity at East Lynne
Creek ODO at East Lynne
Creek DO at East Lynne
Creek Voltage at East Lynne
Borehole Temperature at East Lynne
Borehole EC at East Lynne
Borehole pH at East Lynne
Borehole ORP at East Lynne
Borehole DO at East Lynne
Creek Water Level at East Lynne
Weather Station Temperature at East Lynne
Soil Moisture 1A at East Lynne
Soil Moisture 2A at East Lynne
Soil Moisture 3A at East Lynne
Soil Moisture 4A at East Lynne
Soil Moisture 5A at East Lynne
Control box temperature 1 at Middle Creek
Air temperature at Middle Creek
Relative humidity at Middle Creek
Soil volumetric water content 1 at Middle Creek
Soil water conductivity 1 at Middle Creek
Soil volumetric water content 2 at Middle Creek
Soil water conductivity 2 at Middle Creek
Soil volumetric water content 3 at Middle Creek
Soil water conductivity 3 at Middle Creek
Wind speed at Middle Creek
Wind direction at Middle Creek
Barometric pressure at Middle Creek
Total rainfall at Middle Creek
Resistivity at Middle Creek
Water pressure at Middle Creek
Net radiation at Middle Creek
Net shortwave radiation at Middle Creek
Net longwave radiation at Middle Creek
Control box temperature 2 at Middle Creek
Control box temperature 3 at Middle Creek
Soil Moisture 1 at Middle Creek
Soil Moisture 2 at Middle Creek
Soil Moisture 3 at Middle Creek
Soil Moisture 4 at Middle Creek
Soil Moisture 5 at Middle Creek
Soil Moisture 6 at Middle Creek
BH 10-1
BH 10-2
Wind Gust at Middle Creek
Wind Gust at Bellevue
Dip Test BH 10-1
Elevation BH 10-1
Piezometer at BH 273277
Piezometer at BH 273275
Piezometer at BH 273278-2
Piezometer at BH 273278-1
Piezometer at BH 273279
Piezometer at BH 273280
Piezometer at BH 273281-1
Piezometer at BH 273281-2
Piezometer at BH 273282-1
Piezometer at BH 273282-2
Piezometer at BH 273286
Atmospheric Pressure
TOM BH 273277
TOM BH 273275
TOM BH 273278-2
TOM BH 273278-1
TOM BH 273279
TOM BH 273280
TOM BH 273281-1
TOM BH 273281-2
TOM BH 273282-1
TOM BH 273282-2
TOM BH 273286
HS30 Level Research
HS30 Level Rockbar
BB 15
BB 14
BB 13
BB 12
BB 11
BB 10
BB 9
BB 8
BB 7
BB 6
BB 5
BB 4
BB 3
BB 2
BB 1
BH 273294
BH 273293
BH 15
BH 16
Caves WS Air Temp
Caves WS RH
Caves WS Wind Speed
Caves WS Wind Dir
Caves WS Rain
Caves WS Soil Temp
Caves WS Pressure
Caves WS Solar Radiation
WRS 01
WRS 02
WRS 03
WRS 04
WRS 05
WRS 06
WRS 07
WRS 08
WRS 09
WRS 10
WRS 20
WRS 21
WRS 22
WRS 23
WRS 24
WRS 25
WRS 26
WRS 27
WRS 28
WRS 29
WRS 30
WRS 31
WRS 32
WRS 33
WRS 34
WRS 35
WRS 36
WRS 37
WRS 38
WRS 39
WRS 40
WRS 41
WRS 42
WRS 44
WRS 45
Temperature at Angelina Mouth
SpConductivity at Angelina Mouth
Depth at Angelina Mouth
pH at Angelina Mouth
pH in mV at Angelina Mouth
ODOsat at Angelina Mouth
ODO at Angelina Mouth
Battery at Angelina Mouth
Temperature at Angelina Swamp
SpConductivity at Angelina Swamp
Depth at Angelina Swamp
pH at Angelina Swamp
ODOsat at Angelina Swamp
Battery at Angelina Swamp
Temperature at Cattai Creek
SpConductivity at Cattai Creek
Depth at Cattai Creek
pH at Cattai Creek
pH in mV at Cattai Creek
Salinity at Cattai Creek
Battery at Cattai Creek
Temperature at Cockatoo Island
SpConductivity at Cockatoo Island
Depth at Cockatoo Island
pH at Cockatoo Island
pH in mV at Cockatoo Island
Salinity at Cockatoo Island
Battery at Cockatoo Island
Temperature at Eastern Swale Drain
SpConductivity at Eastern Swale Drain
Depth at Eastern Swale Drain
pH at Eastern Swale Drain
ODOsat at Eastern Swale Drain
Battery at Eastern Swale Drain
Camera at Big Swamp
Camera at East Lynne
BH 20 Upper Maules
BH 21 Upper Maules
BH 19 Upper Maules
BH 18 Upper Maules
BH 17 Old Glen Elg Farm
BH 11 Horsearm Creek
Air Temperature
Relative Humidity
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Surface Soil Temperature
Net Radiation
Beach width time-series
Beach width time-series Profile 2
Beach width time-series Profile 4
Beach width time-series Profile 6
Beach width time-series Profile 8
Argus beach width time-series Profile 6
Subaerial beach volume time-series Profile 1
Beach width time-series Profile 6 (Argus)
Level at SCA 14 BH01
Level at SCA 14 BH02
Level at SCA 14 BH03
Level at SCA 14 BH04
Level at SCA 14 BH05
Level at SCA 14 BH06
Level at SCA 14 BH07
Level at SCA 14 BH08
Level at SCA 14 BH09
Level at SCA 14 BH10
Level at SCA 14 BH11
Level at DHWLA_BH01
Level at DHWLA_BH02
Level at DHWLA_BH03
Level at DHWLA_BH04
Level at DHWLA_BH05
Level at DHWLA_BH06
Level at DHWLA_BH07
Temperature at Coralville Bridge
SpConductivity at Coralville Bridge
Depth at Coralville Bridge
pH at Coralville Bridge
ODOsat at Coralville Bridge
ODO at Coralville Bridge
Battery at Coralville Bridge
Temperature at Manning River
SpConductivity at Manning River
Depth at Manning River
pH at Manning River
ODOsat at Manning River
ODO at Manning River
Battery at Manning River
ODOsat at Cattai Creek
ODO at Cattai Creek
ODOsat at Cockatoo Island
ODO at Cockatoo Island
ODO at Angelina Swamp
ODO at Eastern Swale Drain
Level at Cattai Creek
Level at Manning River
Level at Eastern Swale Drain
Level at Cockatoo Island
Level at Coralville Bridge
Level at Angelina Mouth
Battery at Swamp 7
Unit temperature at Swamp 7
Solar Radiation at Swamp 7
Wind Speed at Swamp 7
Wind Direction at Swamp 7
Wind Direction Standard Deviation at Swamp 7
Average windspeed at Swamp 7
Maximum windspeed at Swamp 7
Average Air Temperature at Swamp 7
Relative Humidity at Swamp 7
Dew Point at Swamp 7
Rainfall at Swamp 7
Evapotranspiration at Swamp 7
Solar Radiation Total at Swamp 7
Volumetric Water Content (1) at Swamp 7
Soil electrical conductivity (1) at Swamp 7
Soil Temperature (1) at Swamp 7
Soil Permittivity (1) at Swamp 7
Average Period (1) at Swamp 7
Voltage Reference (1) at Swamp 7
Volumetric Water Content (2) at Swamp 7
Soil electrical conductivity (2) at Swamp 7
Soil Temperature (2) at Swamp 7
Soil Permittivity (2) at Swamp 7
Average Period (2) at Swamp 7
Voltage Reference (2) at Swamp 7
Volumetric Water Content (3) at Swamp 7
Soil electrical conductivity (3) at Swamp 7
Soil Temperature (3) at Swamp 7
Soil Permittivity (3) at Swamp 7
Average Period (3) at Swamp 7
Voltage Reference (3) at Swamp 7
Maximum Groundwater Level at Swamp 7
Time of Maximum Groundwater Level at Swamp 7
Minimum Groundwater Level at Swamp 7
Time of Minimum Groundwater Level at Swamp 7
Maximum Groundwater Temperature at Swamp 7
Time of Maximum Groundwater Temperature at Swamp 7
Minimum Groundwater Temperature at Swamp 7
Time of Minimum Groundwater Temperature at Swamp 7
Battery at Leech Swamp
Unit temperature at Leech Swamp
Solar Radiation at Leech Swamp
Wind Speed at Leech Swamp
Wind Direction at Leech Swamp
Wind Direction Standard Deviation at Leech Swamp
Average windspeed at Leech Swamp
Maximum windspeed at Leech Swamp
Average Air Temperature at Leech Swamp
Relative Humidity at Leech Swamp
Dew Point at Leech Swamp
Rainfall at Leech Swamp
Evapotranspiration at Leech Swamp
Solar Radiation Total at Leech Swamp
Volumetric Water Content (1) at Leech Swamp
Soil electrical conductivity (1) at Leech Swamp
Soil Temperature (1) at Leech Swamp
Soil Permittivity (1) at Leech Swamp
Average Period (1) at Leech Swamp
Voltage Reference (1) at Leech Swamp
Volumetric Water Content (2) at Leech Swamp
Soil electrical conductivity (2) at Leech Swamp
Soil Temperature (2) at Leech Swamp
Soil Permittivity (2) at Leech Swamp
Average Period (2) at Leech Swamp
Voltage Reference (2) at Leech Swamp
Volumetric Water Content (3) at Leech Swamp
Soil electrical conductivity (3) at Leech Swamp
Soil Temperature (3) at Leech Swamp
Soil Permittivity (3) at Leech Swamp
Average Period (3) at Leech Swamp
Voltage Reference (3) at Leech Swamp
Maximum Groundwater Level at Leech Swamp
Time of Maximum Groundwater Level at Leech Swamp
Minimum Groundwater Level at Leech Swamp
Time of Minimum Groundwater Level at Leech Swamp
Maximum Groundwater Temperature at Leech Swamp
Time of Maximum Groundwater Temperature at Leech Swamp
Minimum Groundwater Temperature at Leech Swamp
Time of Minimum Groundwater Temperature at Leech Swamp
Level at Swamp 7 BH01
Level at Swamp 7 BH02
Level at Swamp 7 BH03
Level at Swamp 7 BH04
Level at Swamp 7 BH05
Level at Swamp 7 BH06
Level at Swamp 7 BH07
Level at Swamp 7 BH08
Level at Swamp 7 BH09
Level at Swamp 7 BH10
Battery at Swamp 14
Unit temperature at Swamp 14
Soil Temperature (1) at Swamp 14
Soil Temperature (2) at Swamp 14
Volumetric Water Content (1) at Swamp 14
Soil electrical conductivity (1) at Swamp 14
Volumetric Water Content (2) at Swamp 14
Soil electrical conductivity (2) at Swamp 14
Average windspeed at Swamp 14
Wind Direction at Swamp 14
Rainfall at Swamp 14
Average Air Temperature at Swamp 14
Relative Humidity at Swamp 14
Downwelling short wave radiation at Swamp 14
Upwelling short wave radiation at Swamp 14
Downwelling long wave radiation - raw at Swamp 14
Upwelling long wave radiation - raw at Swamp 14
Downwelling long wave radiation - corrected at Swamp 14
Upwelling long wave radiation - corrected at Swamp 14
CNR4 sensor resistance at Swamp 14
Ratio of CNR4 sensor resistance at T to resistance at 0 C at Swamp 14
Body temperature of the CNR4 at Swamp 14
Camera at Swamp 7
Barometric pressure
Water elevation
Battery capacity
Water temperature
Air temperature
Air temperature at Crookhaven River station 1
Battery capacity at Crookhaven River station 1
Barometric pressure at Crookhaven River station 1
Water depth at Crookhaven River station 1
Water temperature at Crookhaven River station 1
Water elevation at Crookhaven River station 1
Actual conductivity at Crookhaven River station 1
Specific conductivity at Crookhaven River station 1
Salinity at Crookhaven River station 1
Air temperature at Crookhaven River station 2
Battery capacity at Crookhaven River station 2
Barometric pressure at Crookhaven River station 2
Water depth at Crookhaven River station 2
Water temperature at Crookhaven River station 2
Water elevation at Crookhaven River station 2
Actual conductivity at Crookhaven River station 2
Specific conductivity at Crookhaven River station 2
Salinity at Crookhaven River station 2
Level at Leech Swamp BH01
Level at Leech Swamp BH02
Level at Leech Swamp BH03
Level at Leech Swamp BH04
Level at Leech Swamp BH05
Level at Leech Swamp BH06
Level at Leech Swamp BH07
Level at Leech Swamp BH08
Level at Leech Swamp BH09
Level at Leech Swamp BH10
Level at Leech Swamp BH11
Yeramba Lagoon Camera
Air temperature at Big Swamp remote data station
Vulink battery at Big Swamp remote data station
Barometeric Pressure
Specific conductivity at Big Swamp remote data station
TDS at Big Swamp remote data station
ph at Big Swamp remote data station
RDO at Big Swamp remote data station
RDO saturation at Big Swamp remote data station
Aquatroll battery at Big Swamp remote data station
Depth at Big Swamp remote data station
Point Paddock 1 - Salinity
Point Paddock 1 - Depth above logger
Point Paddock 1 - Elevation
Point Paddock 1 - Temperature
Point Paddock 2 - Salinity
Point Paddock 2 - Depth above logger
Point Paddock 2 - Elevation
Point Paddock 2 - Temperature
South Paddock Deep - Salinity
South Paddock Deep - Depth above logger
South Paddock Deep - Elevation
South Paddock Deep- Temperature
Point Paddock 1 - Battery
Point Paddock 2 - Battery
South Paddock Deep - Battery
Point Paddock 3 - Salinity
Point Paddock 3 - Depth above logger
Point Paddock 3 - Elevation
Point Paddock 3 - Temperature
Point Paddock 3 - Battery
South Paddock Shallow - Salinity
South Paddock Shallow - Depth above logger
South Paddock Shallow - Elevation
South Paddock Shallow - Temperature
South Paddock Shallow - Battery